In the Kunigami area (commonly known as Yambaru), there is a sub-tropical broad-leaved evergreen forest dominated by pasania trees, and is home to approximately 1,090 species of native plants. In particular, Yonaha-dake (505 m), the highest peak on Okinawa Island, is home to 390 species (including subspecies and varieties) of higher plants, 100 species of ferns, and 29 species of orchid plants.
Because of its rich biodiversity, Yambaru has been designated as a national park, and furthermore, in July 2021, it will be registered as a “UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site.
Plants found in Yambaru
Symplocos caudata
Symplocos microcalyx
Styrax japonicus
Rhaphiolepis umbellata
Rhaphiolepis umbellate
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa
Viburnum japonicum
Lonicera affinis
Camellia japonica
Helwingia japonica
Scutellaria rubropunctata
Schima liukiuensis
Mucuna macrocarpa
Barringtonia racemosa
Clematis leschenaultiana
Pieris koidzumiana
Be sure to check out the other birds, flora and fauna that can be observed during the guided tours.